STS620 Static Trommel Screen | Screenpod | Rokbro
Incredibly versatile with outstanding screening efficiency, the Screenpod STS620 provides exceptional levels of production and can be incorporated into any materials processing operation, with settings that can be tailored to suit a vast range of different applications, allowing processing of the toughest and most challenging material streams.
Ideal for Topsoil screening, Bark and Compost Screening, Woodchip screening

frequently asked questions
Do I need a steel Apron feeder or a belt feeder on my scalping screen?
The general perception in NZ is a Steel apron feeder is better. This isn't always the case. In most applications a belt feeder scalping screen is better than a apron feeder. The only application where a steel apron feeder comes into its own is sharp rock or feeding large material from the quarry face. In river alluvial rock, topsoil & Compost, sand or small material (200mm-) applications a belt feeder is a far better option.
Is a Jaw/Cone or a closed circuit impactor better?
There's a lot of variables in this. Are you a contractor who moves from site to site often? What is your main product from a revenue point of view- Could you use a Jaw/Cone 90% of the time and possibly hire an impactor for 1 month of the year to cover demand for certain products? What is your fines content? What's your required throughput? What's your feed size?
Alot of New Zealand have tunnel vision for impact crushers because old mate down the road has one. Remember every quarry is different. We would advise to try a cone crusher if you ever have an opportunity. Don't take someone else's word for it. Where a cone doesn't work for one quarry it may be perfect for another. Think of your long term costs. Initial capital expenditure may be more yes but blow bars are not cheap. There's a reason why all the major quarries in New Zealand run with a Jaw/Cone set up.
Do i need a stacker for my operation?
In short, yes you do. You may not know it as you've never had one. If you have the space for a stacker, take our advise and buy/hire one. Thank us later. The general comment after some buys a stacker is "I should have bought this years ago". As the old saying goes, its the cheapest loader you'll ever buy. Yes of course you still need to pick the material up to load trucks but you would be shocked at the amount of diesel you'll save and the pressure if takes off a loader operator. The downside to stackers, particular on larger material is segregation. There is ways to mitigate this problem. If you have any questions talk to our team.